Diane Spencer is an award-winning UK based comedian, who has been delighting audiences with her mischievous, plummy and delightfully dark humour.  With over 42K subscribers on YouTube and over 7 million views, Diane’s hilarious comedy is appealing to people worldwide.

Diane Spencer Tour Dates & Tickets

Diane has written 9 hour long comedy shows, which are all available to watch on her YouTube Channel:

Diane has featured on The Big Bang Theory of Everything (Channel 4), BBC Radio Derby, BBC Radio Sheffield, GB News and has performed at international comedy festivals including the Edinburgh Fringe.  

Comedy bio

Starting in November 2006, Diane quickly showed promise as a comedian, being a highly commended finalist in the Raw Comedy Quest competition 2007.  Although British born, Diane was living in New Zealand at the time, and began shaping her comedy skills in Auckland, eventually being nominated for Best Female Comedian by the NZ Comedy Guild in 2009, notably for her solo hour “Wit, Charm and Filth” (2009).   Before emigrating back to the UK, Diane wrote an entire new hour long stand-up show called “Lost in the Mouth Specific”.  This show not only enabled Diane to break into the UK comedy circuit, it also won her the Chortle Best Newcomer 2011. She is a regular performer on the UK comedy circuit.

“Between her theatrical facial expressions, on-point character roles and enthralling story-telling ability, Spencer mesmerises the crowd.”  Edinburgh Festivals Magazine

Diane draws inspiration from her own life and social concerns, and in total has written 9 stand-up comedy shows, each critically acclaimed and available to watch on Youtube.  Producing her comedy content and directly uploading it to YouTube has enabled Diane’s comedy scope to encompass the globe and bring smiles to people wherever they are.

To become part of Diane’s world or just drop by for a chat, please subscribe or click on one of these links.

Facebook fan page:


YouTube: Diane’s YouTube Channel


  • The New Current Woman of the Year 2013
  • Top 5 Hottest Comedy Shows, Edinburgh Fringe 2012 (The Scotsman)
  • Nominated Best Comedy (Emerging), Adelaide Fringe Awards 2011
  • Winner: Chortle Awards 2011: Best Newcomer
  • “Hottest Comedians 2010″
  • Nominated Best Actress, 2009, 48 Hr Film Competition, Auckland heat.
  • Nominated Best Female Comedian, NZ Comedy Guild 2009


“Diane Spencer seems incapable of producing a show that is not worthy of the high praise she gains.  Her honesty and unflinching sincerity makes you laugh harder than you could imagine and once she has you there really is no hope of her letting up.” The New Current

“She is a flame-haired, filth-firing force of nature, tossing the audience from open-mouthed incredulity to tear-filled guffaws.” Sunday Express

“personable, hilarious and ballsy” Broadway baby

 “Artists use paint to depict their work, Ms Spencer uses well-crafted words and stories to illustrate her art, words that ensured her set was full of genuine laugh out loud moments.”  One4Review

“She invests it [sic] with such wonderful turns of phrase, killer punchlines and a gleeful delight in continually over-stepping the taste barrier” The List

“She possesses the natural delivery of a raconteur, and executes climactic punchlines well.”  Festmag

Half-horrifying, half-fascinating, all hilarious” The Skinny

Comedy is always exciting when it’s live and you’re part of it!   If you’re a fan of mine, and you see me loitering around after the gig, please come and say hi.  

Diane Spencer Tour Dates & Tickets

Stay in touch <3

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